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Our Process

Discover Our Streamlined Process for Seamless Electrical Solutions.

Conception and Initiation

The work starts here. Vezotech can provide a quotation carefully
tailored to your scope of supply and needs coupled with payment
milestones, enabling you to effectively manage your project and
finances with certainty.

Design and planning

Good design and planning is key to successful project management.
Our forte is having a highly skilled team of engineers that can advise
and help you plan your project ensuring there are no surprises once we
execute the project.

Project Execution

Each project has a dedicated Project Manager who will manage your
project from conception to completion, ensuring that your project is
delivered safely, within scope, on time, within budget and meeting
your requirements.

Project Performance and Monitoring

Vezotech will ensure that the project stays on track and ensuring
that we take corrective action, as and when necessary, to ensure
that it does. Keeping you informed with regular contact to ensure
that you are kept up to date.

Project Closure

Formal handover of your project and debrief to review
the project. This will help Vezotech to create a powerfu
‘learning organisation’, accelerate future projects and
lead to sharing innovative approaches to problems.